Hungarian for Everyone

Grammar focused lectures for those who really want to speak Hungarian

Hungarian is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world but it doesn’t have to be. With this course you’ll build your knowledge of this uniquely beautiful language from the foundation.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Hungarian is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world but it doesn’t have to be. With this course you’ll build your knowledge of this uniquely beautiful language from the foundation.

After getting tons of positive feedback for my tutorial videos on YouTube I decided to create this course for those who are starting from scratch yet want to deepen their understanding of the Hungarian language.

Starting with the alphabet and correct pronunciation we’re going to cover some tricky grammatical rules that are quite different from English. I am focusing on the ones that give the most headache to English speakers. This course is more than a “how to say this and that in Hungarian” tutorial. I broke down some heavy grammar stuff into easily understandable pieces so that you have a solid base you can build on.