Learn Obsidian from Scratch

If you are new to Obsidian then this Course is for you

NOTE: If you bought my Other Obsidian Course ( Improve your productivity using Obsidian) then you don’t have to buy this course (FOR NOW), and this course will become paid course in a few days so enroll ASAP

What you’ll learn

  • ? What is Obsidian.
  • ? How to Use Obsidian.
  • ? The importance of Graph view.
  • ?How to Organize your notes into folders.
  • ? What makes Obsidian different from other note-taking applications like Evernote and OneNote.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 2 lectures • 16min.
  • Getting Ready to use Obsidian –> 6 lectures • 42min.
  • Basics of Obsidian –> 51 lectures • 1hr 58min.

Learn Obsidian from Scratch


NOTE: If you bought my Other Obsidian Course ( Improve your productivity using Obsidian) then you don’t have to buy this course (FOR NOW), and this course will become paid course in a few days so enroll ASAP

In this course, you will learn the basics of Obsidian: powerful knowledge management and note-taking tool. Obsidian is a free and open-source tool that allows you to create and manage your knowledge in a flexible and efficient way.

The course starts with an introduction to Obsidian and its features. We then move on to creating and managing notes and documents in Obsidian. We also cover topics such as linking notes, creating and using plugins, and how to take notes in a proper way. By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of how to use Obsidian to manage your knowledge effectively.

in this course, I will teach you Obsidian and walk you through the fundamentals

In this course you will learn:

1- how to install Obsidian

2- how to create notes and link them together

3- how to add images and attachments

4- what is Graph view and how to use it

5- how to choose the perfect theme for you

6- what are the community plugins and how to choose them

7- how to use the daily notes plugin properly

8- how to create your own templates and use them daily … and many more

Hope you enjoy the course as I enjoyed making it

Wish you all the best


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