Raspberry Pi 4 and Internet of Things (IoT) For Beginners

Setup, Wire, Program and send data over the Internet

This course is designed to help beginners kick start their journey into the Internet of Things. Key skills covered would include

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is designed to help beginners kick start their journey into the Internet of Things. Key skills covered would include

Setup IoT Device. We will be using the Raspberry Pi 4 as our IoT Device. The initial setup will include a monitor, keyboard and mouse. But after configuration, we will control it heedlessly/

Remote Device Management using UpSwift. Upswift offers up to 3 free devices for prototyping IoT Device management. We will use UpSwift capabilities to remotely control the Raspberry Pi

Basic Terminal commands and Python programming will be covered to introduce and improve proficiency. The content covered serves to enable participants to complete this module with reasonable proficiency.

Wiring sensors and outputs will be done as well. Breadboard basics will also be covered to help participants. Schematic Diagrams will be used to illustrate circuit connections and explanations will be given for each sensor behaviour The sensors used are the DHT11 and HC SR04 Ultrasonic. An LED will be used as the output.

Sensors and outputs will be programmed using the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi and Python scripts.

Data from the sensors will be sent to ThingSpeak, where we will setup channels to receive incoming data and use various in-built charts to visualize the data.

These skillsets are essential to embarking on the journey for Internet of Things.