Learn JIRA : Complete Agile Project Management

Learn all the key features you should know about Agile Project Management using JIRA Software Cloud

I am Pitsinee, I have been using Jira in Software Development for over 10 years. I’m so excited for being your instructor in this course. It does not matter if you never use Jira before because I will start at the beginning, walk through each section step by step and make you understand the big picture. As a student in this course, you are going to save yourself a lot of time because this course already summarizes all the key features you should know about Agile Project Management using JIRA Software Cloud

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to use JIRA in Agile Project Management.
  • Understand the differences between JIRA issue types.
  • Understand Scrum and Kanban Agile methodologies.
  • Learn how to customize Workflows and configure Agile board.
  • Learn how to use JIRA reports.
  • Learn how to use JIRA dashboard.
  • Learn the real world workflows for JIRA issue types.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 3 lectures • 10min.
  • Working with Jira issues –> 6 lectures • 28min.
  • Team-managed projects (Next-gen) –> 2 lectures • 12min.
  • Agile Concept –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Customizing Worflows –> 2 lectures • 9min.
  • Creating Custom Issue Type –> 1 lecture • 2min.
  • Configuring Agile Board –> 2 lectures • 4min.
  • Creating Sprint in Jira –> 1 lecture • 8min.
  • Understanding Jira Reports –> 2 lectures • 6min.
  • Creating Jira Dashboard –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Examples: Real World Workflows –> 1 lecture • 12min.

Learn JIRA : Complete Agile Project Management


I am Pitsinee, I have been using Jira in Software Development for over 10 years. I’m so excited for being your instructor in this course. It does not matter if you never use Jira before because I will start at the beginning, walk through each section step by step and make you understand the big picture. As a student in this course, you are going to save yourself a lot of time because this course already summarizes all the key features you should know about Agile Project Management using JIRA Software Cloud

So, if you’re ready to master your workflow the JIRA Software way while looking great to your boss and key stakeholders, then click the lesson videos on the right. See you on the inside (hurry, your first class is waiting!)

Course Contents:

1. Setting up Jira Cloud Instance
2. Creating project in Jira
3. Understanding Jira issues
4. Creating Jira issue part1
5. Creating Jira issue part2
6. Delete, clone or move issue
7. Adding Versions and Components
8. Searching issues in Jira
9. Team-managed projects (Next-gen)
10. Creating Roadmaps
11. What are Scrum and Kanban
12. Customizing Worflows Part 1
13. Customizing Worflows Part 2
14. Creating Custom Issue Type
15. Adding Quick Filter on Agile Board
16. Display Multiple Projects on the same Agile Board
17. Creating Sprint in Jira
18. Burndown Chart
19. Velocity Chart
20. Creating Jira dashboard
21. Real World WorkFlows

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