Expert Power BI + Tableau SIMPLIFIED

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Power BI, Tableau

Thank you for considering this extensive Power BI and Tableau course. In this course you will learn both Power BI and Tableau in a methodological step-by-step curriculum

What you’ll learn

Course Content

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Thank you for considering this extensive Power BI and Tableau course. In this course you will learn both Power BI and Tableau in a methodological step-by-step curriculum

The course is intended to support you in your pursuit of expertise in Power BI and Tableau, by covering the following areas:


Power BI curriculum covers:

* Power BI installation and setup

* Power BI data sources

* Power BI architecture

* Power BI calculated columns

* Power BI data modeling

* Power BI calculated tables

* Power BI Dashboard options

* Power BI time based data management

* Power BI sharing Dashboards

* Power BI data gateway

* Power BI visualization options

* Power BI creating map visualization

* Power BI combination charts

* Power BI using tables

* Power BI modify colors in charts

* Power BI adding shapes, images and textbox

* Power BI styling reports

* Power BI excel integration

* Power BI sharing BI Dashboards

* Power BI printing BI Dashboards

* Power BI export options

* Power BI publishing report to web


* Tableau curriculum covers:

* Tableau Overview and Setup

* Tableau Navigation

* Tableau Data Sources and Custom Data View

* Tableau Extracting Data

* Tableau Field Operations

* Tableau Data Joining

* Tableau Editing Meta data

* Tableau Data Blending

* Tableau Add Worksheets

* Tableau Paged Workbook

* Tableau Charts

* Tableau Dashboard

* Tableau Forecasting

* Tableau String Calculations

* Tableau Trend Lines