Devops: Azure Kubernetes service(AKS) with Jenkins Pipeline

With help of Jenkins devops CI-CD tool we will automate and manage AKS cluster, GitHub for SCM tool, Jenkins Pipelines

This course is created for students who would like to learn, how to integrate Jenkins with Azure Kubernetes service (AKS) cluster for Automating Kubernetes deployments.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course is created for students who would like to learn, how to integrate Jenkins with Azure Kubernetes service (AKS) cluster for Automating Kubernetes deployments.


Jenkins is an open-source Devops tool to automate CI/CD pipelines to Azure Kubernetes Services.


This course going to cover Jenkins installation, Git, GitHub account creation, DockerHub Account creation and basics Jenkins pipeline to understand complex build.


We are going to use Git as SCM tool, where we are going to upload our source code for Continuous Integration.


Containerising your application with help of docker engine and deploy the application to validate application.


Build the same application in Azure Kubernetes Service public cloud vendor.


Installing Jenkins and its associated plugins for Managing AKS cluster.

Creating sample app in Local desktop with help of docker engine, push the docker image to docker hub manually and create a deployment in AKS with docker hub image.


Create a pipeline to validate GitHub account, Build the docker image in Jenkins Master node. Push the image to Docker hub via Pipeline.


Adding Kubernetes deployment automation in the same pipeline and validate the deployment.


Create a declarative Jenkins pipeline with Jenkins SCM. And create a new Jenkinsfile in GitHub repository.


Modifying the pipeline and capturing the changes in AKS cluster.