Complete Networking Course – with Practice File and Manual

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Basics to Advanced

Hello Learners

What you’ll learn

Course Content

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Hello Learners

In this course you will get introduction about the Computer Network and it’s different operations. First we will start with the basics of computer network and then we will focus on the practical.

In Computer Networking,  practical knowledge is very much important. You must be very clear and quick for the any examination of the Networking like CCNA, CCNP. So to be quick and clear about the fundamental of the practical, you must have done lots of practice. Here in this course I have focused on the same and for that I have given practical practice files in the material.

You will get practice lab manual and simulation files, which are very good for the practice purpose. You can also do self assessment by this interactive lab manual file.

This course more about the practical and practice to make job oriented outcome. It will include all basic requirement of practice and then slowly, we will move towards the difficult part. If you are doing more practice with basic command then surely you can do more complex and difficult lab very easily.

You’ll even get the chance to build simple local area networks (LANs). Developing a working knowledge of IP addressing schemes, foundational network security, you’ll be able to perform basic configurations for routers and switches. No prerequisites required.


You’ll Learn These Core Skills: