MERN Stack Expense Tracker Application

Build a MERN Stack Expense Tracker Application to track your daily needs

Hi , Welcome to the course MERN Stack Expense Tracker

What you’ll learn

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Hi , Welcome to the course MERN Stack Expense Tracker

An expense tracker is a platform where we will list all our income and expenditures from various sources like salary , freelance , food , travel , medical , education etc to make an analysis about our money. So we can have any idea where we are spending our amount.

Generally we will use excel sheets , online money tracker sites and some people will maintain a notes.

So Here My Question Is , As a Web Developer do we have to depend on the above things to track our money.

My Answer is NO , Even beginners can develop their own expense trackers if the know how to perform CRUD operations using MERN Stack. And that’s what we will learn in this course.


So In this course I will teach you how to develop your own Expense Tracker with the worlds most popular tech stack MERN.

We will learn the following concepts on the next six hours.



What is an Expense Tracker?


Personal finance management is an important part of people’s lives. However, everyone does not have the knowledge or time to manage their finances in a proper manner. And, even if a person has time and knowledge, they do not bother with tracking their expenses as they find it tedious and time-consuming. Now, you don’t have to worry about managing your expenses, as you can get access to an expense tracker that will help in the active management of your finances.