Full Stack Automation Bootcamp Level 1

Auto Draft

Learn the basics of maven, testng, selenium, html, xpath, chromedriver, restassured, postman, jmeter and burp suite.

Learn the basics of maven, TestNG, selenium, HTML, XPath, chrome driver, rest assured, postman, JMeter, and burp suite. Learn how to test and automate testing, performance testing, API testing, and security testing test cases with live examples.
This course designed for absolute beginners who do not have any exposure in the automation field and wanted to know about different automation techniques and testing.

What you’ll learn

Course Content

Auto Draft


Learn the basics of maven, TestNG, selenium, HTML, XPath, chrome driver, rest assured, postman, JMeter, and burp suite. Learn how to test and automate testing, performance testing, API testing, and security testing test cases with live examples.

This course designed for absolute beginners who do not have any exposure in the automation field and wanted to know about different automation techniques and testing.