Basics of GIT – Source code management and version control

Perform practicle and learn all about version control and source code management.

This course has been created for the beginners to start their programming life with an understanding of source code management and version control. Due to popularity of GIT, industry wide this tool has been accepted for above purpose. Our target will be to understand the basics and develop right understanding from the begning.
What you will learn from this course

What you’ll learn

Course Content


This course has been created for the beginners to start their programming life with an understanding of source code management and version control. Due to popularity of GIT, industry wide this tool has been accepted for above purpose. Our target will be to understand the basics and develop right understanding from the begning.

What you will learn from this course

When we work with GIT, Mostly people uses GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket for remote repositories. We will not go in depth amount these SAAS solutions and there are dedicated course available if you want to lear those. But our focus will be to under the GIT protocol and will be limited to this.

This course will be freely available to the learner’s and we require your feedback and reviews to understand what you think is missing and need improvement in this course.