The Ultimate Rhino 3D & Grasshopper Course: All In One

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This course will teach you how to create powerful 3D models using Rhino 3D & Grasshopper.

Grasshopper is a plug-in included in the Rhinoceros 3D modeling software. It is a tool for algorithmic modeling, specifically used for designing and editing complex shapes through certain parameters. Grasshopper offers new ways to expand and control the 3D design and modeling processes, including automating repetitive processes; generating geometry through mathematical functions; quickly making changes to complex models; and creating complex forms through repetitions of simple geometry.

What you’ll learn

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Grasshopper is a plug-in included in the Rhinoceros 3D modeling software. It is a tool for algorithmic modeling, specifically used for designing and editing complex shapes through certain parameters. Grasshopper offers new ways to expand and control the 3D design and modeling processes, including automating repetitive processes; generating geometry through mathematical functions; quickly making changes to complex models; and creating complex forms through repetitions of simple geometry.


Grasshopper provides a unique interface to architects which requires no programming or scripting knowledge, where they can unleash their creativity and still create workable designs without the constraints of limited software. But Grasshopper still allows designers a high degree of flexibility in creating both simple and complex forms. Most architecture firms around the world these days use Rhinoceros with the Grasshopper Plugin to create working 3D models to show to their clients. In this course, you’ll learn the complete process of organic and fluidic modelling from scratch using advance techniques like NURBS modelling, Sub-D modelling, panelling tool and more. After that, you’ll also learn and understand the complete process of parametric modelling from scratch using data lists, lists management, data tree structure and more. And you will be able to perform a complete parametric project using data. With the parametric modelling process at your command, you will be able to add detailing to your project using techniques like paneling, point and curve attractors and more.