What’s Keeping You From Exponential Growth.

Unleash your hidden power. Remove your obstacles. Apply these theories at work and in your personal life.

In a study published by Bain and Company, 85% of executives believe the greatest barriers to achieving their growth objectives lie inside their own four walls.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


In a study published by Bain and Company, 85% of executives believe the greatest barriers to achieving their growth objectives lie inside their own four walls.

What are these barriers, and how can we see them? Stay tuned for the answer.

Here’s something even more interesting. This can have a profound impact on the fortunes of these companies. Ask them how long the same management team has been running the show. You will find that the longer the current team has been managing the company, the more satisfied they would be with the way things are going. You need an outside approach to shake up these organization.

Or you need to develop a special vision that allows you to see things as they must be seen, if you want to double your size in a few years. In this course, we will take you step by step to first understand a company’s culture. You will be able to understand why they believe they are being held back. And you will help you develop the insight to see those hidden obstacles that no one talks about.

In the following sections, we will go through a detailed workshop, where we’ll dissect all those factors and will come up with recommendations. In between, we will also educate you on the high long-term cost if you choose to stay stagnant.

As we wrap up, we will paint a picture of an environment that is ready for growth, and one that isn’t. The main factors that affect their preparedness. We will review where they are on Digital Transformation. We will critique how the organization handles change. We will ask poignant questions about their contingency planning. And we will remind you the value of some resources that you may not be tapping into.

Finally, we being you a bonus lesson on your limiting beliefs. If you watch just one lecture in this series, let this be the one: it has the power to create a profound and life-changing effect on you.