Talent Management basics: learn modern Human Resources (HR)

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Learn to attract, Recruit and Retain the best talent. learn modern HR by integrating talent management with business

Companies are throwing millions of dollar each year due to three major reasons:

What you’ll learn

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Companies are throwing millions of dollar each year due to three major reasons:

  1. Hiring wrong people.
  2. Inability to retain the best talent.
  3. Inability to push the team to business goals

It would be surprising to know that:

Do you know almost 10%-15% of your new hires are going to quite the job within first 3 to 6 months and the amazing thing is that majority of companies are not investing an effort to think about designing a systems to retain them. Due to poor hiring mechanism, many decisions are turned out to be wrong ones, affecting both the employee and employers at the same time.

All these data signifies the importance of the need of a talent management and retaining system for your company since this area directly makes a huge impact on your productivity and efficiency at work. and productivity and efficiency are two contributing factors of your profit margins.

In this course you will understand the concept of talent management and  learn the strategies to attract and recruit the best talent with 6 Golden steps of hiring the right talent. You will learn how to retain them and keep them motivated at workplace.

We will discuss about selecting the right leadership styles in particular situations to keep your employees inspired, motivated and engaged in work.

This course is your best guideline if you are new to hiring and looking for a guide which can sum up both hiring mysteries and talent management secrets.