Metaverse, Web 3.0 and Fintech: A Masterclass

A Masterclass on Metaverse, Web 3.0 and Fintech. The future of next generation Internet and Interaction

The word “metaverse” is the latest trend in the tech industry. To capture it’s imagination, people are tweeting memes and the phrase “in the metaverse” has become a buzzword. One of the most popular tech companies and internet platforms is rebranding itself to mark its embrace of this new age idea. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that he’s changing his company’s name to Meta Platforms Inc., or Meta for short. This might be the most significant thing to happen to the metaverse since science fiction writer Neal Stephenson came up with the term for his 1992 novel “Snow Crash.”

What you’ll learn

  • Non-Fungible Tokens, DeFI, GameFI, Play to Earn.
  • Metaverse, Web 3.0.
  • About Metaverse tokens where people are investing.
  • Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0.
  • Extended, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality.
  • How to buy land in Metaverse. Step by Step process.

Course Content

  • Metaverse Web3 and Fintech Introduction –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Extended, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality in Metaverse –> 3 lectures • 31min.
  • Metaverse a New World –> 8 lectures • 1hr 11min.
  • Interoperability in Metaverse –> 2 lectures • 23min.
  • Non Fungible Token, NFT explained with examples –> 4 lectures • 42min.
  • How and What of Investment in token and Metaverse –> 3 lectures • 27min.
  • What is DeFI, Smart contracts and how it works –> 6 lectures • 1hr 2min.
  • What is GameFI –> 4 lectures • 31min.
  • Different experiences in Meta – Verse –> 5 lectures • 7min.
  • Web 3.0 The Next generation of World Wide Web –> 6 lectures • 51min.
  • Risks and Monitoring in Metaverse Web 3.0 –> 3 lectures • 29min.
  • Quiz –> 0 lectures • 0min.

Metaverse, Web 3.0 and Fintech: A Masterclass


  • Absolutely Basic knowledge of Blockchain and Digital finance.
  • Patience to learn and reflect.

The word “metaverse” is the latest trend in the tech industry. To capture it’s imagination, people are tweeting memes and the phrase “in the metaverse” has become a buzzword. One of the most popular tech companies and internet platforms is rebranding itself to mark its embrace of this new age idea. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that he’s changing his company’s name to Meta Platforms Inc., or Meta for short. This might be the most significant thing to happen to the metaverse since science fiction writer Neal Stephenson came up with the term for his 1992 novel “Snow Crash.”

Metaverse, Web 3.0, and Fintech are going to become big in the future, it’s up to us, how soon we realize and learn about it. The Sooner the better and get the early learner advantage. In this Masterclass course we will learn about;

Extended, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, Facebook’s Meta, Seven rules of Metaverse, Industries to be disrupted by Metaverse, Seven layers of Metaverse, Interoperability in Metaverse, OMIG Interoperability and Core principles of Metaverse, Non-Fungible Token, NFT explained with examples, Celebrities investing in NFTs, A few Metaverse tokens where people are investing, How to buy land in Metaverse. Step by Step process, What is DeFI, Smart contracts and how it works, More use cases of DeFI, ICO, What is GameFI, Metaverse, and GameFI, What is Web 3.0 and details, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. A Tabular comparison and features, Risks and Monitoring in Metaverse Web 3.0, Privacy issues in Metaverse.


Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course”


Metaverse will not solve everything. However, if entrepreneurs and consumers are allowed to do what they do best, technological progress like this can help us solve the problems of the future and bring about more prosperity than we have yet begun to ponder.


The course will be of immense benefits even if you are

– Non-Technical Product and Project Manager

– Practitioner and Enthusiast

– Students, Researchers, Trainers, and Teachers

So, see you in the course.


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