FinTech, Governance and Inclusion

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A Practitioner course on – How Technology can help in Financial Inclusion.

Financial Inclusion is an important responsibility of each government and financial sector regulator. It has multiple benefits for each stakeholder and also helps countries to fulfil their international commitments on Digital Financial Inclusion and provide other basic human rights. Many countries are committed to achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, G-20, MAYA Declaration etc.

What you’ll learn

Course Content

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Financial Inclusion is an important responsibility of each government and financial sector regulator. It has multiple benefits for each stakeholder and also helps countries to fulfil their international commitments on Digital Financial Inclusion and provide other basic human rights. Many countries are committed to achieving their Sustainable Development Goals, G-20, MAYA Declaration etc.

Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course”

Technology helps to smoothen the Accessibility, Awareness and Affordability of financial services for the bottom of the pyramid and financially excluded people. In this course, we will discuss different aspects and overview of Financial Inclusion and Role of technology in each aspect.

Financial Inclusion is a vast topic and each tool/element in itself is a vast subject so we have given an overview and our experience with Global Context on each topic. We have not added any industry data as you can find it on google or in any other reports.

We have focussed on concepts and its understanding. We will discuss the following topics in the course;

Course Content

Definition of Financial Inclusion, SDG and G-20, Reasons & Types of exclusion, 3 As of Inclusion, Pillars of inclusion, Regulatory Sandbox, Regulators’ role, FinTech for Inclusion, Digital Finance, Digital Banking .Payment Processing

The course will be of immense benefits if you are working in Financial Inclusion domain as;

– Product and Project Manager

– Financial Inclusion Practioner and Enthusiast

– Students, Researchers, Trainers and Teachers

– Regulator

So, see you in the course..


Team – Anything Finance.Org

“Our aim is to deliver good quality and 5 Star training to our students and clients”.